Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Have I become a network junkie?

Usually, I’m somebody who likes to keep my friends to a minimum. My sister has hundreds of friends around the world. It all seemed like such an effort to keep in touch, arrange get togethers, remember birthdays and attend special occasions. I’m a classic introvert; I get my energy from stillness, quiet times and reflection. Having lots of people around me, lots of people relying on me – well, it’s just not my thing.

So I thought.

Now I’m hooked on social media & networking. I’m connecting with complete strangers around the world. And I’m loving it (a totally incorrect grammatical structure but widely recognised from a certain ad campaign).

This morning, for example, I started a conversation – via FB messages – with a guy I “met” in twitter who lives in Australia, on the Gold Coast (how lovely must that be!?) He looks like a nice chap, from his picture. His message was well written and friendly, so I responded – communicating with him as if he was an acquaintance of many years! Bizaare!

Often, when I meet someone in the traditional, face-to-face way, I’m more cautious, I hold myself back and tend not to share too much information. I like to get the measure of a person before I commit myself to getting to know them.

Since concentrating on networking for my business, I’ve turned into more of an extrovert. I actually enjoy getting out and about and meeting people – and then going home and checking out how I can carry on the conversation online.

Being home and carrying on a conversation online…. This is the ideal for me. Connecting from the comfort of my office, dining table, sofa. It’s on my terms, in my environment without the pfaff of putting on any make up or deciding if my outfit is appropriate. I can dispense with all that stuff and focus on communicating. And communicating in a thoughtful, delete-that-sentence-if-I-don’t-like-it way.

The people I “meet” online seem really cool – interesting, informed, intelligent, motivated people. Just like me! Maybe that’s why I feel I can connect so quickly and easily, I’m finding like-minded people. Presumably they’re doing what I’m doing, networking from home, work, where ever, so there’s instantly a natural affinity.

Or maybe it’s a case of the rose-tinted glasses making it seem that way. I used to be known as Shelley, the one who only sees the good in people. She’s so naïve and dreamy. Over the years, I’ve developed more of a cynical, “worldly” view and tried to be more like other grown ups. But I guess my natural tendency towards positive outlooks still rules. I can’t help it. I genuinely like people (even if I don’t need to be around lots of people all the time), I truly believe they’re good. Which quite clearly isn’t always the case. However, by connecting through a computer screen, I can enjoy “new friends” from a distance. I can exchange ideas and thoughts with them as and when I choose. I can walk away when I need to – although “unfollowing” someone in twitter would be hard. That would indicate that I find them no longer useful or interesting – a very hurtful thing. And I’m learning such a lot. Ultimately, that’s what life’s about, surely? Learning, discovering, developing and equally learning about, discovering new people and developing new connections.

It’s a wonder. I’m very happy to have met all the people I have over the last 18 months and look forward to all the new connections I shall make in the coming months.

Now I really must get on with some proper work – bye for now!


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